Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Grand Scheme

I will soon be 32 years old.
In my (almost) 32 years of life, I have learned many things.

The grand scheme of things is not quite as "grand" as one might think. Life falls together as some sort of distorted yet beautiful puzzle.

We walk through seasons as though they are lifetimes, find missing pieces to life's puzzle, and move forward to the next set of bliss.

Of course, storms come and go. Lightening, pain, and tears flow...until this "grand scheme" erases them, eases us, and carries us through the painful realities we may encounter.

Confusion, at times, can feel like our best friend. But somehow, the days roll all of life's confusion away and a clarity like none other falls upon our existence.
It does no good to regret. Regret is only a waste of our present. Sorrow felt for a past that no longer applies to our lives.People will disappoint you, hurt you, love you, leave you, surprise you, shock you, and some will even break you.

When it hurts, it can cut deep, but there is always a way to make the pain stop.

We have to learn from our past. Learn who to let into our lives and who to walk away from. Have the wisdom to burn bridges when necessary and the strength to fight against the current, if need be.

Never allow an empty vessel to pollute your life. Surround yourself with like minded counterparts and celebrate the fact that you have found your own.

Broken people only specialize in breaking others.

Work hard with diligence and an unceasing, assiduous love for all. Yes, even the broken people. You can love without involving those individuals in your own affairs.

Most importantly, appreciate. Be grateful for all that you have learned, felt, endured, and conquered. Triumph is the among the most valuable morsels this life has to give.

Seek, laugh, love with your whole being, dance, take risks, have wisdom, and love who you are, who you have been, and who you have the potential of becoming. Chances are, you will become that person.

I have learned a lot in my (almost) 32 years of life.
It hasn't been easy but it hasn't been hard.
It has been worth every second.