I awakened this morning with a mind full of words. Memories, Ideas, thoughts, questions, answers…you name it and it was circulating through the abyss, better known as, the mind of a writer.
I have begun to immerse myself into writing a series of short stories. Most of them, drawn from my own personal past experiences. This notion was brought upon me at Thanksgiving while at Joshua’s family dinner. His grandfather, a man who has probably seen and lived through more than I ever have (or possibly will), asked me why I wasn’t writing more about my life. The thought took me aback quite thoroughly, until the idea began to make itself more comfortable in the realm of possible future endeavors. Tantalizingly so.
When living a life, the events that have separated a particular individual from the norm of society, generally seem normal to the person experiencing said events. It has taken many years, countless professors, editors, fellow writers, friends and even family, to convince me that my life was far more intriguing than fiction.
After an atrocious and premature first marriage, I began rebuilding my life from the ground up. After leaving all I had worked so hard to build, I found myself more capable of rebuilding.
I quickly learned, in the most palpable of ways, that if you want to be successful, it truly does all boil down to “who you know”. After establishing myself in a new and undisclosed residence, I began working on the set of a film as a makeup artist.

The energetic, fast paced, brutally exciting air, was something I had never truly experienced to this magnitude. It was exactly what was needed to catapult me from my history into my destiny. 14 hour days on set followed by running lines, wrap parties, trailer viewings, promotional activities…
Then somehow, I landed in New York.
Indeed, I am fully aware of how ridiculous the previous sentence sounds. “Somehow”? Looking back, all I know is that New York City was a place that was meant for me to experience. The idea of staying in my current abode quickly flew out the window when, as Nick says, I was “bitten by the bug”. Less than two months following my initial visit, I found myself living life as a New Yorker.

I worked with bands, Videographers, DJ’s, wrote songs, looked for apartments, shopped, drank gallons of Coffee in back street recording studios, sang my heart out to live audiences, met some great people, landed countless jobs, and ultimately found myself, somewhere between Fifth and Broadway.
That is when I made my next move. I turned away from New York and caught a flight back home.
I had missed my friends.

The calm of the “slow life” as New Yorker’s call it.
I will forever treasure the memories made there and will definitely go back in the future to make new ones, but it was time to begin a new chapter in the book of this life.
After my somewhat shocking return “home”, life became a mixture of hanging out at the lake, cooking out by the river, and experiencing the nightlife with my amazingly talented musician friends.

Life was exciting and making a great deal of sense.
Out of this beauty, I have learned that time is the very thing that determines our fate. Moreover, God is the very one who holds that perfect timing in his grasp. So with a wink and a nod, I smiled at this private joke that was once the “unknown” and am now living an entire new novel of adventure, love, life, experiences, and memories.
I awakened this morning with a mind full of words. Memories, Ideas, thoughts, questions, answers…you name it and it was circulating through the abyss better known as, the mind of a writer.
Turn the page. It gets better. =)
Turn the page. It gets better. =)