The night was coming to a close, the same as any other night does. While turning off the lights, she heard her phone cry out, beholding a new text message.
It was him. She hadn't seen this young man in quite sometime. He generally checked in each month to see how she was doing and always kept in touch during the holidays. Besides that, everyday life simply never allowed for a reunion to transpire. She read and reread this message, in shock. He told her of a dream he had. "We were in Oregon for Christmas, assembling a bicycle for our child." The reality of the dream carried him for some days. He held onto it and lived it, as much as possible.
She too, began to imagine this. Began wondering why, and even how, she could revisit the dreams of an individual who she had not seen in quite some time.
As the conversation came to a close, he said "what now"? The question lingered heavily over them both for a long moment until she responded.
"We continue being us." She could not think of any other solution to this tightly woven and inter tangled conundrum.
"And go on just living in each other's dreams?"
She thought about this for a moment before responding. What would be so horribly tragic about living in the dreams of another? When looking at it in the right light, it is a harmless, fool proof, painless gift. They could never let one another down or push the wrong buttons when reality was a bit too much.They could experience adventures and forever remain unsinkable. It was seemingly the perfect arrangement for this particular scenario.
"What do you suggest?" she quarried. "Detailed emails, photographs, smoke signals, Morse Code? Or perhaps we meet at the airport once a year to live out those dreams in Europe, only to feel the pain of yet another goodbye? That would turn us into nothing more than characters in a Shakespearean play. You know how the Classics are about 'timing' and 'tragedy'..."
"Touche' -"
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