Friday, November 25, 2011

That "I Am Thankful For" Blog.

For the past two years, I have neglected to write my annual Thanksgiving blog for various reasons. In November 09, I was in New York having Thanksgiving with the Archdeacon's. I had to include this for the pure and simple fact that it makes me sound very important and Holy. You've gotta love last names! 

Then last November, I was in the DC area with Josh's family, traveling from house to house, scrounging for leftovers at 12AM. Black Friday wasn't as insane as I assumed it would be in DC, but I am definitely grateful to be staying in for this one. I have most of my Christmas shopping done already and really have no desire to deal with the crowds after all of the Champagne and Sex On The Beaches I had yesterday. (Yes, the drink you perverts)

I am thankful for a great many things and honestly have no idea where to begin.

I look back on my life 5 years ago and honestly do not see myself as I was then. It seems like a lifetime ago, and maybe it was. Regardless, that is where I would like to begin.

I am thankful for my strong sense of self and identity. The willpower that I have been immensely blessed with and the bravery God has given to me, time and time again. All of the new things that my former life was holding me back from have all been made a reality. I am uncertain of where that girl has gone to, but exit stage left, she did. And now, I am who I have been destined to be all along.

I am thankful for my friends and family. Yesterday, I received an overabundance of phone calls and text messages from friends all over the country, wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving. These are the people who will always be a part of my life. No matter where I go or what I am doing, they take the time to think of me, and the love they share is more than I could have ever wished for. No amount of money could ever buy such a gorgeous scrapbook of memories and friends.

As for my family, I have always been blessed in that area. But this year, there is something more. I am thankful for my grandmother's good health and her new found light. It was such a scary time for us all, but God strengthened and healed her, and in the process, brought our family closer than ever before. I was blessed with the love of so many family members I had not seen in a very long time. Now, we have the strongest of bonds and keep in touch. My cousins come stay here and I am thankful for getting to REALLY know them. As an added bonus, it has made my grandmother a very happy lady to see all of her grandchildren and great grandchildren in such love and harmony.

But as the years pass, I realize that I have more than just one family. I have my blood family and I have all of the many families that have been established throughout the years. The people who not only have golden hearts, but have achieved great success. The people who have been the stars in my sky for many years. The ones I can hang my wishes upon with the confidence that those wishes will always come true. The ones who bring a smile to my face daily. These are true

I am thankful for peace. Especially inner peace. There was once a time I walked on eggshells and nails. Now I am finding that my wings grow with each passing day. I have faith in the present and the future. I live a drama free existence and can find very little to complain about. I suppose perspective has been gained and my priorities have been altered dramatically. Either way, I can always count on something beautiful awaiting just around the corner.

This could go on forever, so I am going to just make a list. Elaborating is overrated when the very things one elaborates on, are very obvious.

God, My home, my car, my friends overseas, music, laughter, dancing, coffee, words, books, opportunities, apps, pancakes, the lake, traveling, love, good food, honesty, integrity, honor, memories (both remembering and making them), Jekyll Island, New York, Wilmington, emails, smiles, sunshine...I truly could go on forever.

I can safely say that I spent Thanksgiving with one of the most amazing, generous, and gifted families, I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I am thankful for this and look forward to spending Christmas there, as well.

Now the time has come...for Christmas shopping dates! Another thing I am thankful for. Spending time with friends and family in crowds of grumpy people who are always in some sudden hurry for the pure and simple fact that Christmas is approaching. Oh are so beautiful! I am thankful for you, as well.

1 comment:

Rose said...

I am so very thankful for you!