Monday, July 26, 2010

For The Love Of LIght.


How can one such tiny word provoke fear, spite, and malevolence? We should crave the truth as though it were the Filet Mignon and we were the starving artist.

Seek it. Love it. Embrace it.

Unfortunately, we have all fallen victim to fearing it.

Rejecting it.
Attacking it.
And over time, denying it…

Why? Because we are human. Because we all wish to believe the best in people. Because if the “truth” has the possibility of endangering our happiness, it suddenly becomes the enemy.

As for the messenger? They quickly become reduced to trouble makers, at best.

To this very day, I still cling to the quote by Anne Frank. “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”

So why do we lie? Why do human beings find the need to deceive, blind, and ultimately crush the hearts of those around them?

Some do it because they want to have their cake and eat it too.

Others lie out of fear.
The desire to be accepted by everyone.
To make themselves what those around them wish to see at the time.

In my 32 years of life, I have observed many individuals, including myself. When light is shed upon darkness, something of a battle ensues. But in the end, light always wins out. Even when the truth hurts us so much that we feel we can no longer go on, it eventually WILL set us free.

Not just because I wrote this but because God is a lover of truth.

The deceitful are always exposed for who they truly are and the glory light shines through, once again.

I only pray that someday, we can all be honest with one another and hide nothing. What a beautifully simple place that would be.

Life should never be about hiding but ALWAYS about SHINING.


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